Gamers2 podpisali z ex-ESC

Ekipa ex-ESC je podpisala pogodbo z organizacijo Gamers2 ter se ji pridružila z ekipo za CS:GO.

Potem, ko je prišlo do kar nekaj komplikacij zaradi VALVE bana ekipe ex-ESC, se je vse uredilo. Organizacija Gamers2 je imela boljšo ponudbo kot organizacija ESC, zato so se innocent ter soigralci odločili zamenjati ekipo. Tako bodo od sedaj naprej poljaki igrali pod imenom Gamers2, prva njihova večja preizkušnja se bo začela že prihajajoči vikend, kjer se bodo pomerili v kvalifikacijah za Katowice, kjer imajo veliko možnosti za uvrstitev na glavni turnir.

Igrali bodo s postavo:

Paweł “innocent” Mocek
Grzegorz “SZPERO” Dziamałek
Mikołaj “mouz” Karolewski
Jacek “MINISE” Jeziak
Karol “rallen” Rodowicz

Uradna objava innocenta, kapetana ekipe Gamers2

“We are proud to announce that, from this day, we will represent Gamers2.

“We are really excited, because we always dreamed about the possibility of playing CS full-time and treating our passion as a job, too. Our motivation is sky high and we are ready to become an excellent team.

“Gamers2 is the best choice that we could have made. Even though they could have cut us off after our ban affair, they helped us a lot, and I think we would not have made it without their magnificent work.

“We would like to thank Gamers2 for trusting us and giving us the opportunity to attend every possible event and let us prove what we are capable of. 2015 is going to be a huge year for Counter-Strike, and we cannot wait to compete under Gamers2’s flag.”

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