Slavni minet se vrača v Counter Strike

Bivši član ekipe mTw Oliver “minet” Minet , je najavil svojo vrnitev v profesionalno CS:GO sceno.

Minet je sicer znan po CS 1.6 pro sceni, ko je leta 2011 objavil da bo prenehal z igranjem v competitive sceni. Minet je osvajal vse kar se osvojiti dalo, zmagal je Dreamhack winter 2009, 2010 ter bil tretji na IEM World Championshipu.

Po treh letih je javno objavil, da se vrača v CS sceno tokrat v najnovejšo različico igre Global Offensive!

Njegova javna objava in mnenje glede igre CS:GO:

“When CS:GO came out, I did not really like the game,” Minet told HLTV.org. “I got some offers back then, but I decided to focus on school and some hobbies of mine.


“In the meantime, my longtime friend suranga, with whom I had the pleasure of travelling a lot during 1.6, asked me a few times to reconsider and to come back with him.


“Now, two years later, I have decided to give it a chance because I miss the competition and the scene. I have a lot of spare time right now, so I will be focused and dedicated to this comeback.


“I feel the game has evolved and is much better, and even though I am lacking hours when compared to the top players, I think my chances of a successful comeback  are pretty good.


“I have already found a bunch of lads to play with, three of whom I have played alongside in the past and were very important throughout my 1.6 career – suraNga, Stofqaz & wazorN. They all taught me a great deal. Last, but not least, zecer, also a familiar face, especially for me.


“I am really looking forward to playing a lot of CS again and having fun with it. Remember to come watch my stream, I plan on running it as much as possible!”



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