NiP išče novega člana!

Izgleda da se bodo govorice uresničile, namreč švedska ekipa NiP išče novega člana.

V prejšnji novici smo objavili, da se pojavljajo govorice da bo maikelele zapustil NiP, saj bo pomagal ekipi Orbit pri Nordic Masters turnirju. NiP je pred nekaj minutami izdal uradno objavo, kjer navajajo,da iščejo novega AWP-erja saj Maikelele nima dovolj izkušenj. Sicer še vedno ostaja član NiP-a, in ima priložnost v tem času, da se popravi oz. nauči še kaj.

“The Ninjas in Pyjamas CS:GO team are going to try out new players for the time being, to see if there is a possibility that they find a better line-up than the one they have today,” a statement from Nip reads.


“Maikelele is a great talent and a very good player, but lacks a certain amount of experience that is required in order to have a permanent spot in the NiP line-up.


“Much more than pure talent is required in order to play professionally on an international level.


“Maikelele is still a part of NiP and has been informed of his shortcomings and now has a chance of working on them. In other words, the CS:GO team still consists of the same five players, but we are open to trying new players for the upcoming period of time.


“Maikelele adapted well to the CS:GO team, meaning there are no other aspects to this decision but the sporting ones that are the base of this evaluation period.”

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  1. Jaz bi se tudi prijavila na avdicijo 🙂 Od 1.6 do CSGO sem izgubila z igranjem kar veliko gub, moj mož je ponosen na to samo nočem se*at z njim ker sedaj samo nabijam csgo, da zgubim gube! ŠMEKSIII <3


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