Allu zapušča 3DMAX !

Finski igralec Aleksi “allu” Jalli je zapustil ekipo 3DMAX ter se pridružil ekipi Ninjas in Pyjamas!

Pred nekaj dnevi je finski igralec allu opravil preizkušnjo za ekipo NiP, in jo tudi uspešno opravil. Allu je novi main AWP igralec za švedsko ekipo.

Uradnja izjava:

 “Firstly, I have to say that allu is a player that I have been impressed with for quite some time, and it is going to be fun to see what he can bring to the table,” NiP owner Emil “HeatoN” Christensen told Aftonbladet.se.

“Moreover, I want to thank 3DMAX, on the behalf of myself and the team, for making the transition run smoothly by acting as true professionals throughout the process.

“I want to wish allu the best of luck with NiP and 3DMAX all the best for the future.”


Christopher “GeT_RiGhT” Alesund
Patrik “f0rest” Lindberg
Richard “Xizt” Landström
Adam “friberg” Friberg
Aleksi “allu” Jalli


Allu se je najbolj izkazal izmed “trialov” za NiP!

Vaša reakcija na članek?


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