KaBuM brez ekipe!

Brazilska organizacija KaBuM je ostala brez ekipe za CS:GO!

Kar nekaj govoric se je pojavljalo, da bodo člani ekipe KaBuM našli novo organizacijo, saj z to niso imeli dovolj uspehov in zastavljenih ciljov. Organizacija jim je ponujala premalo, pa čeprav so se merili z najboljšimi.

Člani ekipe so se sicer kvalficirali na Katowice turnir preko INSHOCK ter Dignitas ekipe. Sedaj so pod organizacijo Games Academy, a ta je le začasna dokler ne dobijo boljše ponudbe (sigurno do Katowice turnirja)

Gabriel “FalleN” Toledo
Fernando “fer” Alvarenga
Lucas “steel” Lopes
Caio “zqk” Fonseca
Ricardo “boltz” Prass

Še uradna izjava:

“After returning to Brazil, FalleN contacted KaBuM claiming that the sponsorship contract should be amended because the fees paid monthly were no longer enough for the team to be able to participate in the tournaments they wished to attend,” a statement from KaBuM reads.


“KaBuM, however, responded by saying that this information was not accurate because the sum of the fees paid by KaBuM and Target Down would be enough to pay for the trips in question.


“At this moment, FalleN claimed he never got a dime from Target Down and, as such, the team would need to receive this additional fee – but they wanted this figure to be paid by KaBuM, since he had ‘not been involved in the agreement with Target Down’.


“The question we raised was: how was there no involvement from him with Target Down, since FalleN orchestrated, coordinated, presented and executed the merge between the two teams? KaBuM never met or discussed terms with Target Down, since we only sponsored the players.

“At this moment, FalleN also informed us that the players were already looking for another sponsor in case we did not accept to pay the monthly fee that the other organisation was not paying. But, again much to our surprise, not to replace Target Down but to replace KaBuM (who respected all the clauses in the contracts and paid everything in time).
“Today, February 23, after talking to FalleN, we were informed that the contract will not be renewed and that the players are already negotiating with another organisation.


“We also received a lot of criticism from fans who said we “did not invest” in CS:GO because the prizes were low. We would like to point out that this is not relevant to our organisation because we did not get a percentage from the tournament winnings of our FPS team.


“We will continue investing in tbe Brazilian FPS scene and, soon, we will announce more details about this new project.”



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