Devilwalk zapušča Fnatic!

Švedki coach Jonatan “Devilwalk” Lundberg zapušča ekipo Fnatic!

Devilwalk, ki se je Fnaticu pridružil leta 2013 ter je bil kot nekak coach v ekipi je pred dnevi nadomestil igralca Olofmeistra, saj je imel ta operacijo sluha. Ko je seveda videl, da še ni za v staro košaro se je odločil, da postane spet aktivni CS:GO pro igralec. Tako se je odločil zapustiti Fnatic ter se pridružil ekipi Property(sedaj znana pod imenom 1337). Fnatic pa naj bi že našel zamenjavo saj v njihove vrste prihaja ex-Property coach Viktor “vuggo” Jendeby.

Uradna izjava Fnatica:

“Jonatan has since our CS:GO division’s inception in 2013 been a pivotal part of our team’s foundation and success, both during his time as an active player, and of course in the coaching role he took on last year when we added Krimz and Olofmeister to our roster,” fnatic’s Chief Gaming Officer, Patrik “cArn” Sättermon, said in a statement.


“Even though we will certainly miss Jonatan’s contributions to our team and his amazing character, we are at the same time very excited to follow his return as a professional player.


“I’m positive that Jonatan will have a great opportunity to add more success stories to his resume and I have nothing but respect and understanding for his decision to return as a player, considering his young age and a game that is still rapidly growing.”


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