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E-Frag – CSHR Championship Season 2 – 1000€ prize pool and LAN finals in Croatia

The Croatian Counter-Strike community CSHR has announced the second season of their online league, this time with a bigger prize pool and LAN finals in Karlovac, Croatia.

CSHR Championship Season 2 by conn.pro is a league aiming to help develop the regions most talented players and teams. The league will consist of 3 parts: the qualifiers, the online league, and the LAN playoffs.

The qualifiers are open to all teams from the ex-Yu / ESL Adria region (Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Albania, Macedonia, Slovenia, Montenegro) that pay the entry fee of 7€ or 8$ per team via paypal. The top 8 teams from the qualifiers will enter the online league, which will have a BO1 round robin system. The league will be played on Thursdays and Sundays and streamed on CSHR’s twitch channel. After all the online matches are played, the top 4 teams will meet in Omega Warp gaming center in Karlovac, Croatia, where they will play a double elimination Best-of-3 bracket.

E-Frag – CSHR Championship Season 2 – 1000€ prize pool and LAN finals in Croatia

The prize pool of 1000€ consists of a combination of money and hardware by Ozone Gaming, but it will be increased by the money from the entry fees – possibly increasing the prize pool to 1200€ or more.

The first qualification cup starts this Thursday, the 27. of August. Signups and details are available on the CSHR web.

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