Posodobitve (patch) 5.2.2015

Iz noči na četrtek 5.2.2015, je prišel patch v katerem je glavna tema mapa Cobblestone. Ta je sedaj malce preurejena ter lažja za igranje. Prav tako so popravili nekaj manjših bugov z orožji oz. Deathmatch igranjem. Več pa spodaj.

Manjši update:
  • Reduced latency of voice audio.
  • Community servers now can show viewer counts when players are streaming their match.
  • Fixed regression in Deathmatch Bonus mission evaluation.
  • Fixed a Deathmatch exploit where players could maliciously cause the server to run out of entities.
  • Fixed buymenu’s Accurate Range weapon stats being computed incorrectly.
  • Fixed AWP viewmodel rendering when zoomed.
  • Added flavor text to Arms Deal Case 1 and fixed typos in previous flavor text.
  • Positional sounds spatialize to within 15 inches of the player and no longer “spread” to stereo when nearby.

Cobblestone spremembe:

Cobblestone Update

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