Volgare zamenjali 2 člana

Madžarska ekipa Volgare je objavila nekaj sprememb v svojem lineupu.

Ekipa Volgare se je odločila zamenjati člana Alex “alexrad” Seewald ter Patrik “bodito” Boda z dvema veteranoma Alexander “rmL” Kancsev in Arnold “NEY” Kiss.

Uradnja izjava:

“We were in a bad form for a few weeks already, and alexrad, our IGL, couldn’t play at his maximum level because of personal issues, so he said he doesn’t want to play until he is able to do it with max focus.” Viktor “flash” Tamás Bea told HLTV.org.


“Also our fifth bodito had some inconsistent time, but we gave him more time to improve as he is only 17 years old and very talented, but in the end we just figured out he needed much more time to improve as much as we need in the future to compete against the best teams.


After everything we would like to welcome NEY (Twist) and rmL again in our team, as we managed to talk about every problem we had in the past and we are very motivated and ready to improve. We hope we manage to go Copenhagen Games and prove that we are dangerous and can compete with bigger teams.”


Viktor “flash” Tamás Bea
Dániel “FoDa” Fodor
Gábor “gabesson” Málovics
Alexander “rmL” Kancsev
Arnold “NEY” Kiss

Zanimivost: Ekipa Volgare je 3. decembra lani igrala tekmo proti slovenski ekipi EnRo.Griffins na turnirju South East Europe Championship. Tam so bili madžari boljši z 2-0, a vseeno je to kar velik uspeh za slovensko ekipo pod nemško organizacijo.

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