Fifflaren: “allu je odlična izbira”

Bivši igralec  NiP Robin “Fifflaren” Johansson, je na socialnih omrežjih zapisal nekaj o novem AWP-erju.

Po tem ko se je Fifflaren odločil zapustiti profesionalne vode CS gaminga, je njegovo mesto vzel Mikail “Maikelele” Bill, ki se je izkazal za preveč neizkušenega igralca. NiP je zato začel iskati novega AWP-erja, ki se bo bolj ujel z njimi. To mesto je pripadlo Aleksi “allu” Jalli, ki sicer prihaja s finske zato to za NiP predstavlja kar velik zalogaj. Preizkušnjo je odpravil še Marcus “Delpan” Larsson, ki pa ni bil kos preizkušnji.

Fifflaren je na AMA(ask me anything) na vprašanje kakšno je njegovo mnenje o Allutu odgovoril takole:

“I think that allu is a great pickup for NiP. I am looking forward to Katowice to see how the team plays, but allu is by far one of the most complete players in the European scene at the moment and I am sure he will do an amazing job in NiP,” he wrote.

 Allu is probably the one that would fit NiP the most considering how many tournaments they have coming up. I think another person that would be a good fit would be twist.

“Allu is probably the one that would fit NiP the most considering how many tournaments they have coming up. I think another person that would be a good fit would be twist.

“If I  were the ingame leader, I would have picked Maikelele up, the reason for that is because I like to teach people and see the improvements of a player.

“If I wasn’t calling, I would pick allu. I feel that, out of the three, he’s the most complete player.”

Kot zanimivost pa je izdal tudi svoje najboljšega igralca sedanje generacije, izbral si je KennyS-a zanj pa je zapisal takole:

“KennyS, hands down,” Johansson stated. “There is not a single player other than KennyS that has that big of an impact whether their team wins or not.”


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