LDLC z dvema ekipama

Francoska organizacija LDLC se je odločila, da bo imela 2 profesionalna teama.

Le po 72 urah, ko so pri organizaciji LDLC oznanili, da so pod okrilje vzeli ekipo Awsomniac je tu že nova novica, da so pod okrilje vzeli še ekipo Platinum. Organizacija bo sedaj imela dve ekipi, to sta Blue ter White. Ekipa Blue se meri v ESL Major ligi, medtem ko Platinum ne igra v tej ligi. Ekipe Platinum se lahko spomnete tudi po presentljivi zmagi nad NiP-om na tekmovanju ESWC 2014.

“It is a great pleasure to join LDLC,” Matthieu “matHEND” Roquigny said. “It is the first time that we are part of a professional structure, and this can only be beneficial for us.

“I would like to thank LDLC for trusting young players and for giving us a real chance to grow with these great conditions.

“I would also like to thank Platinium and also all the people who follow and support us.”

LDLC White LDLC Blue
Matthieu “matHEND” Roquigny Kevin “madc” Ducourtioux
Simon “Fuks” Florysiak Charbel “BouLy” Naoum
Alexandre “bodyy” Pianaro David “HEdm” Thalien
Antoine “to1nou” Pirard Guillaume “XpG” Veron
Timothée “DEVIL” Démolon Julien “PetitSkel” Marcantoni

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